Kernel Story

Once upon a time… There were financial management problems, tangled and outdated systems, unbearable calculations, and there was no Kernel to get your small business out of it all. That's why… In 2019, our small team created Kernel with a big vision in mind: make the life of entrepreneurs and small business owners easier with the help of simple financial tools. That’s why we created our country-specific and straightforward invoicing software solution, which quickly spread from local to international markets. In the modern world, we believe that small business owners shouldn't spend countless hours on accounting as this time and effort can be spent working on brilliant ideas for growing business. Not everyone who needs accounting is an accountant. Therefore, using our tools does not require any financial education. Simply anyone can do it. Do you know what's behind all this? It's Kernel's small but extraordinary team. We provide resources and encourage each team member to develop according to their interests as the success of our company stands on the success of hard-working, motivated individuals
Lead Investor
Early Investor
Strategic Partner
Strategic Partner
Startup Accelerator
Grant Provider